Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Au Revoir London.

10 locks, and 5 miles . Now moored at Bulls Bridge at Hayes


The weather forecast was for rain this morning but it must have cleared up before we arose, and there was brilliant sunshine on a fantastic autumn day. GREAT DAY FOR CRUISING. After nearly 2 months in and around London we started to head north after watering up and said our farewells to the lovely lady in the BW office.


New satellite dish sits nicely on the front of the cratch.

The first 2 locks were set in our favour which was great but after that it was all bad news. The only boat to pass us was a surprise as it was none other than Ian Birks and his good lady on Narrowboat Nobby. Anybody that reads Canal Boat magazine will know that Ian writes the gastronomical article in the magazine.


As we ascended the Hanwell flight up past the mental hospital we read the information board half way up the flight. It was interesting to read that the hospital or Asylum as it was known had it's own wharf where canal barges would deliver 25 tons of coal overnight. The coal was unloaded by hand by the boatman and his family or crew and they would then take on any spare fruit, vegetables or live stock that the Asylum had produced and take it to the market in London. The Asylum was basically self sufficient having it's own farm and orchard. The entrance into the asylum's wharf has now been bricked up.

807 locks, 1108.5 miles, 33 Tunnels, 39 swing bridges and 19 lift bridges since Nov 2006

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