Monday, 2 June 2008

Navigation open again.

4 Locks, 10 miles now moored at Huntingdon, Great River Ouse

Over night the river level had fallen even further so we had discussed the possibilities of getting away tomorrow but about mid morning the EA man arrived,surprise, surprise and closed the strong stream warning sign and unlocked the lock gates, so we were free to go. While the 2 skippers filled the water tanks, the girls made a dash to the Tesco Express for a few bits and pieces and upon their return we set off.

At the first lock there was a long delay as there was already one boat in either direction waiting to use the lock. Some of the weirs along the way were still running fast and the occasional bend in the river needed to be negotiated with care but it was a much better trip than our trip down from Bedford to Eaton Socon.

Upon arrival in Huntingdon we moored on the council moorings and the girls went into town for a fish and chip dinner for 4. While they were away getting dinner we spotted a guy (an alcoholic) in the carpark above us and he was paying a lot of attention to the other boat moored alongside us. After having our fish and chips we noticed that the alcoholic was still hanging around so we opted to move about 200 yards down river to the Rotary Club moorings that we used on our way up river. It is also a lot quieter here than by the town bridge.

River Great Ouse 164

We had an interested audience today!

1163 locks, 1626 miles, 41 Tunnels, 41 swing bridges and 19 lift bridges since Nov 2006

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