Monday 1 October 2012

Look Mum! I haven't forgotten how.

Look Mum! I haven't forgotten how.

Prior to us leaving New Zealand for the UK six years ago Simba lived with us at home.  Often he would bring a rat in and drop it at my feet as if to say”Aren’t I clever”  Many times Derek or I had to yell at him to take it outside.  One night I got up in the dark to use the bathroom and on  getting out of bed I screamed as I put my foot down.  Turning on the light beside my bed I discovered a large dead rat beside the bed. Consequently we locked the cat door after that so if he went out in the night he couldn’t get back in.

He must have learnt because today he came and dropped a baby rat down in front of us with a big smirk on his face.  No attempt to take it in the house.  Unfortunately being very dead it didn’t want to play so he gave up and wandered off.  It was then up to Derek to go and bury it.

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