Tuesday, 8 August 2017

The River Thames in London.

20170730_171323St Pauls Cathedral sitting in the sunshine.

Our plan had been to spend my last day in London going down to Greenwich to see the Emirates Air Line (Cable car) across the Thames. The weather was willing but an unscheduled visit by ambulance to hospital at 10.30pm the previous evening put paid to that. Fortunately I was discharged around 4am in the morning, catching a cab home Tracey and I were soon asleep.  Due to us getting to bed so late neither of us rose until around 11am.  A quick skype call to Derek put him in the picture and we headed to Wimbledon for lunch.  Paul was working up until 1pm so we managed to all catch lunch together before heading into London Waterloo on the train.

20170730_150204“Geoffs” all day breakfast for me.

20170730_150221Roast of the day for Paul.

20170730_150233(1)And a half empty plate for Tracey.

Never mind she ate half of mine anyway.  On our arrival London was still very busy from the RideLondon Charity Bicycle ride which had been held earlier in the day. A lot of cyclists were still waking around with their bikes and tell tale red framed sunglasses with the event printed on the frames.

We headed down the Thames along the Thames Path towards Tower Bridge but gave up at London Bridge where the latest terror attack had been.  My legs don't carry me so far these days although I had done a lot of walking whilst in the country.

20170730_163843Tell tale statue commemorating Nelson Mandela close to Waterloo Station.

20170730_193042The cranes of London. Building never ceases.

20170730_164608The Millenium Bridge.

20170730_172223Smurf Tower on the Thames Beach.  Wont last long the tides coming in.

20170730_171542Looking down the River Thames.

20170730_174153Blackfriars Bridge Train Station.

20170730_175444The Globe – Shakespeare Theatre.


20170730_180634Clink Prison Museum at London Bridge,

20170730_181154Remains of Winchester Palace at London Bridge.


As it was now getting late and we still had a train and two buses to catch we headed home.  It is still late until well after 9pm at the moment in mid summer.


Carol said...

Hope you are ok Dot after your unscheduled hospital visit by ambulance, it sounds rather scary. Love the smurf castle sculpture on the Thames beach. Kind regards to both you and Derek from George and me wb Still Rockin' (previously nb Rock n Roll) x

Derek and Dot said...

Hi Carol thanks for your kind words. All ok now, it was a bit scary 30 hours before flying to the other side of the world though.
Regards to you and George, we both still envy you all. Still following your blogs and wonderful photos. Take care.