Monday, 30 January 2012


As Geoff had to take his caravan out to to Paremata for repairs we had to move Gypsy Rover. We opted to head down to Otaki beach for the day until we knew the outcome of Geoff’s dilemma. We stopped off at the Otaki dump point to empty our tanks and then call into Countdown for some groceries.

Once in the car park opposite Byron’s Resort campsite we found ourselves among some English travellers over here for up to 3 months. One couple had bought a cheap camper and already had a buyer lined up for it once they reach Christchurch. From there they head off to Norway for 3 months and then back to the UK where they have a 3 axle Swift motorhome. The other couple are Irish but live in the UK and have done a motorhome swap here. We had a long chat with them over what to see and do down south.

Gypsy Rover at Otaki with Kapiti Island in the backgroundGypsy Rover at Otaki Beach with Kapiti Island in the background

After lunch Geoff and Eileen arrived to say that there caravan was fixed and back in the yard so we can return whenever we like. As we have already made an arrangement to meet Jean and Tom here this evening we will probably stay here overnight and return tomorrow. I have surveyed the area with a view to doing some surf casting but there appears to be insufficient depth of water for a long way out so I won’t bother.


Tom and Jan said...

Awwww... You'll make Jan homesick! She lived opposite Kapiti as a teenager.

Derek and Dot said...

Sorry Jan
Its a lovely spot especially on such a fine day.