Saturday, 9 June 2012

It’s just like a Lucky Dip!

Setting up home again after 6 years living the itinerant lifestyle has proved to be a bit of an eye opener. We have learnt that retailers don’t like missing out on a sale and are prepared to negotiate sometimes quite extensively. It takes a bit of time traipsing around the various stores to compare prices but it pays off in the long run.

Now we have all our gear back in the house it’s been interesting working through all the crates and boxes finding things that we had forgotten that we had or where they were obtained. It’s nice getting familiar articles back on the wall or on display where we can appreciate them once more.

Furniture wise we are now reasonably well set up but we still need a few more chest of drawers, a book case and china cabinet but we are in no hurry for these. We will just keep a watch on Trade Me for suitable items.

Welcome to the neighbourhood for John and KerryA welcome to the neighbourhood from John and Kerry.

I have managed to find some time for a bit of work in the garden and Robin and Jenny kindly donated some Rhubarb crowns which are now planted out. This will probably be the extent of a vegetable patch for the time being. Dot’s Uncle Bill has offered us another variety of Rhubarb which should give us a reasonable supply.

Heading into Lower Hutt this afternoon for some small bits and pieces we wanted we were pleasantly surprised to bump into our friends Geoff and Eileen from Otaki.  After chatting for some time we had to part company before the shops closed for the day and promised to catch up again soon.

On a different note we have received a copy of a letter from the NZMCA to sign and forward to various MP’s regarding pending changes to Road User Chargers. These charges are going to unfairly discriminate against a lot of motorhome owners especially with large converted buses or large truck chassis'. I also added a personal attachment regarding our own situation and sent a copy each to the Prime Minister, Minister of Transport and our local MP.  Despite requesting a reply the only response I have received was from our local MP who happens to be Labour whereas the other 2 who are National. Typical, National are only concerned with big businesses and the rural community, Mr Joe Average doesn’t even get a look in with these guys. We will remember them at the next election. At least they have backed down over increasing class sizes, pity they don’t take more notice elsewhere.


Derek Bird said...

A china cabinet? - how have you lived without one for so long - lol

Derek and Dot said...

Hi Derek, Carrie and Bungie

Makes you wonder doesn't it? Need to empty some of these nic nacs from their storage, then we'll know what we have. Might as well live the life thats been planned for us.