Sunday, 2 April 2017

Lake Hawea

IMG_1263Lake Hawea with what appears to the tide out. Water levels are very low in the Hydro dams.

IMG_1265Looking across Lake Hawea towards the hotel where we are parked.

IMG_1264-001A new RSA memorial being erected above Lake Hawea.

IMG_1267-001The outlet from Lake Hawea.

20170401_174419The unidentical twin Autotrails looking over the hotel roof towards the lake.

IMG_1271Waters edge park at Lake Hawea.

IMG_1274The view is great. Shame about the old caravan.

IMG_1278Sunset over the ranges at Lake Hawea.

The time had come for the twins to separate. John and Elizabeth had business to attend to in Blenheim so we both headed off in different directions from here.  Never mind we will meet up again in a couple of weeks.

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