Monday, 23 July 2012

To Levin and on to Hastings

This week-end is the first Heretaunga Caravan Club rally since our return from our South Island tour.  It was nice to be back on the road even if it was only a short run up to Levin. We stayed at the Playford Park Camp which is under new management. There have been a few changes since our last visit some 7 or so years ago. It was good to catch up with all our friends in the club and meet 2 new members accepted into the club this week-end.

The rally was also the AGM for the club where yours truly was elected as Vice President for the next 12 months. Saturday evening we all headed off to the Cosmopolitan Club for a celebratory drink and a meal. A great time was had by all.

Sunday afternoon and it was time for everybody to head home except in our case we did a hop skip and a jump 5km further North to our friends farm at Koputuroa Rd. We had sent Don and Sandra an email to say we would be calling in but they got the dates mixed up and were surprised to see us. We only stayed overnight but still had a great time. After some sight seeing around Levin we went back to Sandra and Don’s for some lunch of rotisserie Pork and Apple sauce or Crab Apple jelly. Yummee.

After lunch we set off for our next destination of Hastings. Leaving Levin the weather was quite good but by the time we reached Shannon gale force winds had sprung up and we were blown all over the road. Dot was not a happy chappess but we just had to keep going at a greatly reduced speed. This extended our travel time by nearly an hour. These conditions lasted just about all the way to Woodville where the wind dropped but the rain kicked in. This was the scene all the way to Hastings. As the afternoon wore on the rain intensified and by early evening it was a down pour. Dot was met by her cat Simba who now lives with Richard with a big love and cheered her up immensely.

Parked at Richards in Twyford, HastingsWe are now parked up at Dot’s son Richard’s property on an orchard on the outskirts of Hastings.


Tom and Jan said...

Is the Manawatu Gorge road still closed?

Derek and Dot said...

Hi Tom
Opened a month ago for 2 weeks one lane at a time with traffic lights then washed out again. Now talking of opening it again next month. Time will tell and millions later? :-)