Friday, 10 April 2015

A little bit of the Napier to Gisborne Railway!

At Nuhaka we diverted off the main road towards the Mahia Peninsular and headed for Opoutama where there used to be a camping ground. The camp has long gone but you are still allowed to freedom camp there.

IMG_8831Old goods wagons rusting away leaving their concrete contents exposed.

IMG_8832I suspect that these wagons have moved from where they were placed.

Along side the camping area is the Napier to Gisborne railway line which is now closed due to a slip. I decided to take a walk along the line back towards Waikokopu. It turned out to be a very interesting walk as this section of track runs along a cliff face which over the years the Railways have spent a lot of time and money in keeping this section open.

IMG_8834Erosion on these goods wagons tells it's own story.

IMG_8839Trying to keep the sea at bay.

Along this whole section the Railways have placed the best part of 100 old goods wagons, some stacked as high as 5 high and filled them with concrete in an effort to stop the sea washing the line away.  The photo’s tell the rest of the story.

IMG_8848Old railway goods wagons dumped to make a sea wall to protect the railway.

IMG_8851More goods wagons 2 deep and 2 high.

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