Saturday 12 March 2011

We have company.

Still at Hill Farm, Chesterton, Peterborough.

After a quiet night we awoke to a beautifully sunny day.  Glorious stuff. We have had the company of a pheasant cock bird on and off all day and later in the morning my cousin Pam and husband John came to visit. It’s been a while since we have seen them so there was plenty to talk about.

About mid afternoon we were joined by 2 more motorhomes and a caravan so there is only one site left. After Pam and John left we had another attempt at trying to get the TV working after last night’s failed attempt. I rang the dealers expert to hopefully gain some idea’s. I had no sooner started to talk to him when I pressed the on/off button on the set and it worked! When we did this last night nothing happened, Gremlins? Other than this we didn’t get much else done but another day tomorrow.

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